Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is  the formation of blood clots in a deep vein. It commonly affects leg veins.

Mostly pain in your legs. This often starts in your calf, cramps, heaviness in the legs, swelling, and warmth over the affected area.

Prolonged bed rest due to any illness, post child birth, recent major surgery, connective tissue disorders, oral contraceptives or hormone pills, trauma/injury, thrombophilia (tendency to develop clots), cancer, long travels.

Usually a color doppler scan the leg gives a fair idea about the extent of the thrombosis in leg veins.

The treatments for DVT include:

1.   Hospitalization or sometimes outpatient treatment.

2.   Anticoagulation therapy (the use of blood thinners)

3.  Catheter Directed Thrombolysis (CDT) i.e., an endovascular (Key hole) procedure  by the use of clot dissolving drugs

4.   Compression Stockings.

5.   Inferior vena cava filters in very few patients.

Anticoagulants decrease the clotting ability of the blood and therefore help to prevent harmful clots forming in the blood vessels or if they are already formed, prevent them from travelling to lungs. Initially treated with injections and then changed over to pills.

Newer oral anticoagulants (NOACS), Eg- Rivoraxaban, Apixaban, Dabigatran have largely replaced older medications like Warfarin. These newer medications are more effective and does not need repeated blood tests to monitor their efficacy. However, they are not safe for use during pregnancy or lactation.

In most case the treatment given is for 6 months to 1 year. However the duration varies on the basis of various factors.

The blood circulates back easily when you elevate your your legs while sleeping, sitting or resting. You can elevate your legs with the help of a pillow; care should be taken that the level should be higher than the level of your heart.

1.  Certain stocking or crepe bandages are used for compression basically to prevent or reduce the swelling of your legs.

2.  Elastic compression bandages are to be worn as soon as you wake up in the morning, throughout the day, until you retire for sleep at night.

3.  Stocking should be worn during your routine activities.

4.  This prevents many long term complications such as wound in the legs and darkening of the skin due to DVT.

5.   Wearing stockings is an important part of your treatment.

6.  Tight compression stocking is worn preferably for 3-4 years. This has to be changed every 6months, when it loses its elasticity or is torn.

7.  These specialized stockings are not available at the usual stores, and you need a prescription to get this.

NO. Do not become pregnant while you are on anticoagulation. If so, report to your doctor immediately. If you are planning for pregnancy you have to be off anticoagulation for at least -3 months under the guidance of your doctor. Attention: This medication may cause birth defects and severe bleeding in the foetus during the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

YES. A selective set of anticoagulants allows you to breast feed your baby. Consult your paediatrician regarding the precautions to be taken for your baby.

You need to stop the oral contraceptive pills if you are taking any. You Gynaecologist can advise you to take alternative measures.

Regular follow up with the doctor  is necessary. Also in case of any unusual signs of bleeding, report immediately. We provide the best doctors for Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment Kerala.

1.   Bleeding from gums while brushing teeth

2.   Nose bleeds, or blood in the urine

3.   Unusual bruises, cuts or wounds or red spots on your skin

4.   Unexpected heavy menstrual bleeding or dark coloured urine

5.   Continuous stomach upset, pain, diarrhea, fever (>100*F)

6.   Chest pain, shortness of breath, sudden weakness; especially if you have had a recent head injury, or any other injury.

7.   A feeling of fainting or weakness

8.   Report to doctor, in case of any falls, blows to the body or head or other injuries

9.   It is important to carry an ID card mentioned that you are medication.

We provide the best Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment Kerala. We also provide Aortic Aneurysm Treatment Kerala